A novel about four supernatural races

Sneak Peak...

Four Races, Sneak Peak Permalink0
So, I've decided that I wont post the first chapter until I gain a little more visits to this blog, but I will post little sneak peaks, sometimes snippets from the real chapter and sometimes just random character-descriptions. So today I've decided that todays sneak peak is about Sam, the main character. Hope you like her!


Samantha Grigori


Sam has long silver hair and silver-shimmery eyes. She is 5,7 foot tall and most the guys at school drool when they see her. Sam is a Lamia and she has specialized in compulsion and fire, her animal shape is a white tiger. Sam takes protecting Striges’s and Empusa’s very seriously. In class she studies the races history, combat, strategy, protecting, magic, animal behavior and offensive magic. Before Lamia had the opportunity of choosing half of their own classes but when the race of Vetala started to be more and more common, the school’s board decided that we should be as well prepared as we possibly could. Sam didn’t actually mind that, she liked fighting and discussing ways to protect, but that history class was a pain in the ass.

Sam is a funny, sarcastic, bold, honest person and with all of those personalities she can catch almost everyones interest. With that and her looks, everyone would kill to be her friend.


On her free-time, other than hanging out with Dahlia, she likes to express her creativity, often that resembles in singing Sam can’t remember a time when she didn’t sing, she remembers her dad who used to sing everyday with her. But she hasn’t shared this information with anyone because she’s not so comfortable with singing in public.

(I haven't found a pic of a real person and I don't think i will, but imagine a girl with silver hair and silver eyes)

So, I hoped you liked this little glimpse, and tomorrow maybe another pops up? I haven't decided that yet, but I guess you'll figure that out if you see a sneak peak or not. 

Merry Christmas!<3

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